Take advantage of your keyboard to help you make precise macros.
Macros are for performing repetitive tasks such as entering formulas, sorting, formatting or the complex tasks such as using a Pivot table’s filters to extract specific data, creating detailed Charts, or building complicated Tables. This means any column that has fixed information that rarely or never changes, like product ID numbers, product prices, and/or product descriptions. Enter fixed values and fixed data in advance.If you create small macros and run them separately, you can quickly review the results and verify the accuracy. And if it fails, it takes forever to locate the point of failure-you have to step through the entire macro one keystroke at a time to find the errors. If you combine all these tasks into one long macro, it runs slower (especially if it’s required to perform many functions or calculate a lot of formulas on a large spreadsheet). For example, create one macro to sort the data, another macro to extract specific information, and a third macro to print the extracted information. This limits the macro’s ability to function if anything changes, new data is added or removed, or the list gets longer. Using Absolute cell addresses means the exact cell locations are recorded into the macro.
For example, instead of manually separating city, state, and ZIP code from one column into three, create a macro and instead of retyping the same header data on every spreadsheet you create, use a macro. Programmers and end-users create and use macros for similar reasons: to simplify a complex procedure, to reduce a sequence of instructions down to a single program statement, or to automate repetitive tasks.
JD Sartain / PC WorldĪpplication macros created using a macro recorder What macros do Application macros are often created using a macro recorder, which records the user’s keystrokes while performing the repetitive task, then replays those keystrokes every time the macro name or shortcut key is executed. An Excel macro is an abbreviation for macroinstruction-a sequence of commands (or directives) that tell a computer program or a programming language (such as Visual Basic, C, Assembler, PHP, etc.) to perform a series of tasks generally repetitive tasks, which are prone to errors if repeatedly keyed by hand.